ISBN: 978-606-749-301-6, Format: 13 x 20 cm, 422 pag, Aparitie: 2017, Decembrie
The book is a significant contribution to the areas of gender studies and of political communication, and a testimony that Andreea Voina is one of the most outstanding young Romanian researchers in the field.
Dr. Tudor Vlad Director, Cox International Center University of Georgia
Experienta orientalismului, prin abstractizarea si reificarea rigida a doctrinelor si culturilor islamice, a facilitat consacrarea si politizarea unor stereotipuri negative specifice atasate musulmanilor si islamului, conceput ca o traditie coeziva si unitara. Ulterior, perspectiva istorica, empirica, centrata pe decelarea variabilelor sistemice, functionale, institutionale, culturale ale fenomenului analizat, care a marcat perioada postmodernista, a reusit insa sa corijeze intelegerea osificata a normativului in cercetarea societatilor musulmane si a doctrinelor islamice. (...)
The book is a significant contribution to the areas of gender studies and of political communication, and a testimony that Andreea Voina is one of the most outstanding young Romanian researchers in the field.
Dr. Tudor Vlad
Director, Cox International Center
University of Georgia